Toddlers in Transit

Toddlers in Transit Class (Age: 20-30 months)

We understand that all children develop at their own pace when it comes to separation from parents for the purpose of schooling. To help children and parents through this transitional period with as few bumps as possible, we provide Toddlers in Transit – A program for playgroup buddies who can benefit from a more challenging curriculum, while still enjoying the supportive comforts from parents/caregivers.

With slightly increased school days and hours, parents and children will find the separation at a more comforting pace. Children born in Sept to Dec are very welcome to join us! Students of Toddlers in Transit Class will be given priority to apply for our Pre-Nursery Class.

We adopts Reggio Emilia Approach (a fun and creative learning approach).Google also uses it for their company pre-school. Learn more

Trial class (at a fee of HK$500) is available providing the perfect opportunity for your child to learn separation with ease in a fun learning environment.

Details of Toddlers in Transit Class

Timetable of Toddlers in Transit Class

Join Trial Class NOW Sign Up Regular Class
