Character Education

With respect to heritage, we promote the “Eight Virtues + One” – a philosophy based on Confucianism.  Different character traits are adapted and taught to meet the unique demands of Hong Kong’s diverse population and global perspective.

Different opportunities are provided for the children to practice the virtues they learn through our Character Education Program. For example, in focusing on the virtue of ‘Filial Piety and Respect to Elders’ (孝), we visited an elderly center to deliver handmade gifts and bring them joy through song and dance.


-Mitchell and Jayden volunteered to re-enact the scene.

During November and December, we have focused on the virtue ‘Honesty’ – being honest and telling the truth.

During the skit, Ms. Michelle was building a tower with some blocks, whilst Ms. Yasmin was watching on the side. When Ms. Michelle left to get something, Ms. Yasmin went closer to the tower. She liked the tower very much so she took her phone to take a picture of it. Unfortunately, Ms. Yasmin accidentally knocked over the tower. When Ms. Michelle came back, she was sad to see the tower down and asked, “Ms. Yasmin, did you knock over my tower?” “No.”, replied Ms. Yasmin. Ms. Merel posed a few questions to children: “What happened?”, “Why did Ms. Yasmin knock over the tower?”, “Why was Ms. Yasmin not honest?“, “How does Ms. Michelle feel?”. The children realized that Ms. Yasmin made Ms. Michelle sad. Mitchell suggested that  Ms. Yasmin should say “Sorry”. The teachers role played the scenario one more time and this time Ms. Yasmin was honest about what had happened and explained how she accidentally knocked over the tower. Ms. Merel then suggested that they both build the tower again one more time.

wsIn conclusion, Ms. Merel explained to the children that if you make a mistake, or did something accidentally, you should always tell the truth. Don’t be afraid to admit your mistakes. Because making mistakes is alright, but we need the whole story (truth) to prevent it from happening again!

Filial Piety (Respect to Elders)

-Old grandma Michelle was on her way home after grocery shopping.

During September and October, we have focused on the virtue ‘Filial Piety.’ This virtue is particularly important because being respectful to others and elders makes us a good citizen.

The teachers chose to roleplay a scene where Ms. Michelle acted as old grandma while Ms. Yasmin and Ms. Merel acted themselves. When old grandma Michelle was on her way home after grocery shopping, she fell and dropped her grocery all of her groceries. When she asked Ms. Merel for help, Ms. Merel rejected as she was too busy. Ms. Yasmin ran to old grandma Michelle and helped her to get up, as well as picking up her grocery. After we all finished the skit we did a quick recap on what had happened. Questions that were being prompted: “What happened?” “Who helped old grandma Michelle?” “How did Ms. Yasmin help with old grandma Michelle?” “What did you think of Ms. Merel?” The children quickly recognised that it was not right of Ms. Merel to ignore old grandma Michelle and that Ms. Yasmin was being a respectful and good citizen.

The teachers invited some students to re-enact the scene.

It is very important for the children to fully understand what ‘Respect to Elders’ means and what it looks like. Therefore we hope that through our skits our children can apply their new learnt values in their daily routine.
